The Difference Between a Marketing and a Sales Email - Amplify Group
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The Difference Between a Marketing and a Sales Email - Amplify Group

August 28, 2023
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What is the difference between a Marketing Email and a Sales Email? This is a question we get asked all the time, and we understand it can be a little confusing at first. Despite the overwhelming choices of mediums we have available to communicate through now – social media, text, WhatsApp (oof) - email is still one of the MOST effective ways to interact with your prospects, customers, and partners. Let’s dig in to help you understand the difference between the two types of emails.

A different purpose

The main difference between a marketing email and a sales email is their purpose.

Are you nurturing a relationship with a lead or customer? Or are you helping your prospective client make a final decision?

Marketing Email vs Sales Email

Marketing emails

A marketing email is used to build relationships and stay top-of-mind with your audience. A marketing email may be sent for a variety of reasons, but in general, they are nurturing, educational, informative, or promotional.

Marketing emails are usually styled or branded, compared to a sales email which would generally just be a plain text email. These emails are usually sent to a larger audience, including both existing and potential customers. The goal is to stay connected with people who are already familiar with your brand and educate them about industry news, your business or product updates, and offerings.

Marketing emails need a CTA, but the focus is less on immediate action and more on building a relationship with the customer. The CTA in a marketing email may invite the reader to follow you on social media, read more informative blog posts, or sign up for a newsletter.

Some examples of marketing emails –

  • Welcome emails – sent after a person subscribes to your blog or creates an account for your product
  • Nurture emails – Sent after a person creates an account, but hasn’t yet become a paid user
  • Newsletters
  • Press – recent press releases or major news
  • Content – newly published blogs or podcasts
  • Customer Communication – upcoming holidays or deadlines, product updates, leadership changes

Sales emails

A sales email is a highly personalized communication between a sales rep and a lead or prospect. These emails are delivered directly to the prospect's inbox, and you can send them manually or enroll the contact in a sequence that automates a series of touches or follow ups.

Their messaging is geared towards encouraging the reader to take action and make a purchase. They may emphasize the unique benefits of your product or service, highlight customer success stories, or provide social proof to show that your offering is the best solution for their needs.

The call-to-action (CTA) is the most crucial element of a sales email. It is what drives the reader to take the desired action to progress their evaluation of your product and ultimately make a purchase. The CTA needs to be clear, concise, and compelling to encourage the reader to act promptly.

Some examples of sales emails –

  • Cold email – an email to someone you’ve never met to provide information about your product and to request a meeting. Cold emails can be sent in a defined series called a sequence using a sales engagement tool.
  • Deal related email – Once you have a prospect engaged in a sales conversation, there will be various email communication throughout the opportunity to provide updates, answer questions, send pricing, and coordinate additional meetings or demos.

Marketing emails v Sales emails in HubSpot

HubSpot provides functionality for both sales and marketing emails to help your business grow. Although sales and marketing emails serve a different purpose and audience, they share the same ultimate goals:

  1. To convert prospects or leads into customers, and
  2. To keep your current customers informed, engaged, and loyal to your brand.

Here's the summary of the technical difference between marketing email and sales email in HubSpot:

Marketing Email vs Sales Email

Additional HubSpot resources

So, there you have it – the key differences between marketing and sales emails. As a founder or GTM leader, it’s essential to understand the distinction between the two and when to use each one appropriately. Marketing emails are used to build relationships and educate your audience, while sales emails are designed to persuade and convert. Knowing when to use each type of email is crucial for the success of your business, so take the time to craft messages that resonate with your audience.

Want to learn more about how Amplify helps our clients build and manage their marketing and sales email strategy? Book a strategy call