Amplify Group is our name, scaling your revenue engine is our game
Amplify Group is the name of our company. Amplify Group provides go-to-market strategy and tactical execution support to B2B startups and SMBs looking to SCALE.
So, why the name Amplify?
My name is Jess Schultz, Founder & CEO of Amplify Group. I am...(mic drop)...a singer! I was a cantor in my high school choir, sang the national anthem at football games, and starred in a few musicals. Now I’m, well, CEO. And my musical debuts only happen at karaoke bars BUT I love music and it’s been a big part of my life and I wanted to fold that into our brand.
Our logo is called 'wavelength' to connect our name and brand to the visual elements of sound and music.
Also, the word amplify is a perfect visual for what we aim to do for our clients. Our vision is to amplify the voices and impact of founders and operators with bold dreams. We want to help them increase their brand awareness, advocacy, and revenue.
We want to help you get LOUD and stand out from the crowd.
Ok, so why Group?
We like the inclusivity of the word Group. We are a unique group of people helping a unique group of businesses achieve excellence. We also liked the optionality for us to become a ‘group’ of brands, businesses, or service lines over time.
So you’re Amplify Group, but why is your website amplifyscales.com?
Well, for starters because someone wanted 5-6 figures for amplify.co. Damnit. AND, because scaling our client’s revenue engine is what we do. We love the action-oriented nature of the word because we are all about action. Amplify scales your business, revenue, team, impact, etc. WE SCALE. It’s what we do, but it’s not our name.
We hope you enjoyed learning more about our name and our game 😊
If you are a B2B founder or operator looking for help scaling your revenue engine, let’s connect. We provide end-to-end commercial strategy and execution through fractional leadership, demand generation, and RevOps transformation.